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 Free AWS training 

What Is aws?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a division of Amazon that offers subscription-based cloud computing services to consumers, businesses, and government agencies. With this technology, users may use a shared pool of computing resources that is always on and accessible from anywhere in the world over the Internet.

👉 Don't waste your time if you want to advance your career and study AWS for no cost. Create a free account right now!

🌐 AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials:  Click Here

🌐 AWS Cloud Technical Essentials:  Click Here

🌐 Building Modern Python Applications on AWS:  Click Here

🌐 Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications:  Click Here

🌐 Getting Started with Data Analytics on AWS:  Click Here

🌐 A Practical Introduction to Cloud Computing:  Click Here

🌐 Cloud Computing With Amazon Web Services:  Click Here

🌐 Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Zero to Hero:  Click Here

🌐 Amazon Web Services - Learning and Implementing AWS Solution:  Click Here

🌐 Serverless computing in AWS:  Click Here

🌐 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Introduction:  Click Here

🌐 All About AWS Lambda and Serverless:  Click Here

🌐 AWS Tutorials - DynamoDB and Database Migration Service:  Click Here

🌐 Multitier architecture with AWS:  Click Here

🌐 Amazon Web Services (AWS): CloudFormation:  Click Here

🌐 AWS VPC Transit Gateway - Hands-On Learning! Click Here

✋ Note: For Learning If need an EDX Premium account, I can give my own account.

For Account: Message On This Bot: Click Here

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