Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Portfolio

My Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Portfolio

Welcome to My Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Portfolio

Explore my Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking portfolio, containing cybersecurity and ethical hacking-related repositories. Discover various projects, tools, and skills I've developed in the field of cybersecurity.

Web Application Testing
Web Application Testing

Advanced Network Vulnerability Assessment Tool

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking hacking Network Vulnerability Assessment Tool Web Application Testing
Web Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation Script
Web Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation Script

This is a powerful Python script for web vulnerability scanning and exploitation. It allows you to discover URLs on a website, scan for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and XSS, and even provides instructions on how to exploit the vulnerabilities manually.

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking Web Vulnerability Scanning penetration-testing Web Vulnerability
SQL Injection
SQL Injection Scanner

Learn advanced SEO techniques for Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking. Optimize your cybersecurity projects for better search engine visibility and efficient ethical hacking strategies.

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking hacking SQL Injection SQL Injection Scanner
Detect Real Fake
Detect Real Fake

This script uses the requests library to send a GET request to the specified URL, and the BeautifulSoup library to parse the HTML content of the webpage.

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking hacking penetration-testing Detect-Real-Fake
Penetration testing
Penetration testing

Here is an example of a Python script that could be used to perform basic web application penetration testing using the URL of the web application

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking pen testing Brute force Penetration testing
Bug finder with web url
Bug finder with web url

A simple Python script that can be used to find bugs in a software application by crawling a web URL

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cybersecurity ethical-hacking hacking Bug finder Bug finder with web url
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