Welcome to My Software Quality Assurance Portfolio
Explore my Software Quality Assurance (SQA) portfolio, containing SQA and software testing-related repositories. Discover various projects, tools, and skills I've developed as an SQA engineer.
Cypress on Kali Linux
📚 Comprehensive Guide: Installing and Using Cypress on Kali Linux with CLI for SQA Engineers
View RepositoryWebsite Comparison Tool
This is a Python script that compares two websites by analyzing their content and performing various checks.
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A dynamic Test Case builder using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including the fields you specified: Test Case ID/Name, Test Case Description, Step Name, Test Data, Step Description, Expected Result, Actual Result, Status, and Remarks:
View RepositoryOTP-verification-Test-Case
This is an example of a script for test cases for OTP verification using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
View RepositoryPySeleniumAutomation
Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used for web automation. Selenium is a popular tool for automating web browsers, and it provides a Python API that can be used to automate browser actions.
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API Endpoint Finder
A Python script that parses an HTML page and identifies API endpoints and their HTTP methods.
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