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Access your Gmail offline

How to use Gmail offline
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 Access your Gmail offline [Exciting New Features]

Many individuals are suddenly unable to use the internet on their PCs or mobile devices like smartphones. Gmail, however, may be accessed even when the user is not connected to the internet. It may come as a surprise, but you can use Gmail to send new emails and view old emails even when you are not connected to the internet. On the other hand, the new e-mail won't be sent to the recipient's address straight away. When the Internet connection is turned on on the computer or smartphone, only then will the e-mails that were sent offline be sent to the address that was selected.


Email users may sign up for Google's free Gmail service. There were around 1.5 billion monthly active users as of March 2019. The most common methods of accessing Gmail are via a web browser and the official mobile app. Both the POP and IMAP protocols are accepted by Google and may be used with third-party email applications. When it first debuted in 2004, Gmail provided users with 1GB of storage space—a massive increase over its rivals. In its current iteration, the service offers 15GB of storage. Users may receive emails with attachments up to 50 MB in size, while they can send emails up to 25 MB in size. Users may attach files from Google Drive to their communications, allowing them to transfer bigger files. Email on Gmail may be searched through and also seen in a "conversation mode" that is reminiscent of an online forum. It is well known among web designers because the service was an early adopter of Ajax.


  • Storage

There is a limit to how much you can save in a single email on Gmail. As a preliminary rule, a message and all of its attachments cannot be larger than 25 MB. In March 2017, the restriction was raised from 25 MB to 50 MB for receiving emails, however, the limit for sending emails remained at 25 MB. Users may attach files from Google Drive to their communications, allowing them to transfer bigger files.

  • Interface

Gmail's user interface stood out from the crowd at first because of its dedication to email search and conversation threading, which displayed several messages between two or more individuals on a single page. Kevin Fox, who designed Gmail's user interface, aimed to give users the impression that they were never leaving the page they were on; rather, they were just making adjustments to the same content.

  • Spam

Gmail's spam filtering features include — Indicating an email as spam helps Gmail users in general recognize similar communications in the future.

  • Gmail Research and Development

Released on June 5, 2008, as part of Gmail Labs: —— permits users to try out Gmail's beta features. Users have the option to turn on or off individual lab elements and offer comments on their experiences. Engineers on the Gmail team may utilize user feedback to fine-tune and measure the success of experimental features.

Guide to Accessing Gmail While Not Connected to the Internet

  1. The address must be typed before Gmail may be used offline.

  1. Select the checkbox under "Enable offline mail."
  2. In this section, choose anything from the drop-down menu labelled "After logging out of my Google account."
  3. If you check the box labelled "Keep offline data on my computer," any information you've stored locally will stay there even if you close your Gmail client.
  4. In addition, if you check the box labelled "Remove offline data from my computer," all information gathered while you were not logged into Gmail would be removed.

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