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The World's First Robot Lawyer | DoNotPay

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 The World's First Robot Lawyer

For the first time, an AI bot will defend a human in a US court.

The world's first robot lawyer will help a defendant fight a traffic ticket in court next month. The artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled legal assistant, developed by startup DoNotPay, will listen to all court arguments in real-time and instruct the defendant on what to say through headphones. DoNotPay was founded in 2015 as a chatbot to provide legal advice to consumers dealing with late fees or fines and has now developed an AI robot to assist with cases.

The robot will process and analyze the information heard in court and advise the defendant on how to respond.

If the case is lost, DoNotPay will cover any fines.

The company aims to make legal information and self-help tools accessible to everyone through the use of AI.

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